

Bounce - 退回


  • Hard bounce - 例如邮件地址不存在。SES不会重试hard bounce
  • Soft bounce - 临时发送失败。例如对方邮箱满了,或者连接超时。SES会重试发送几次soft bounce


Complaint - 投诉

大多数电子邮件客户端程序都提供一个标记为“标记为垃圾邮件”或类似按钮,可将邮件移动到垃圾邮件文件夹,并将其转发给电子邮件提供商。 此外,大多数电子邮件提供商都会维护一个滥用地址(例如,abuse@example.net),用户可以在其中转发不需要的电子邮件并请求电子邮件提供商采取措施阻止它们。 在这两种情况下,收件人都会提出complaint。 如果电子邮件提供商认定你是垃圾邮件发送者,并且SES 与电子邮件提供商设置了反馈循环,则电子邮件提供商会将投诉发送回SES。 当SES 收到此类投诉时,它会通使用SNS通知等方式将complaint事件转发给你,具体取决于设置的方式。

Bounce Rate与Complaint Rate

AWS 执行严格的法规,来检查发件人声誉。 两个关键指标有助于追踪这种声誉:

Bounce Rate


  • 如果Bounce Rate超过 5%,AWS 将审核你的 SES 账户。
  • 如果Bounce Rate超过 10%,将被禁止发送电子邮件。

Complaint Rate


  • 如果您的投诉率超过 0.1%,AWS 将审核您的 SES 账户。
  • 如果您的投诉率超过 0.5%,您将被禁止发送电子邮件,直至进一步调查。


确定导致退回率增加的原因,可以查看 SNS 退回通知或事件数据中的 bounceTypediagnosticCode 字段。我们将在下一章仔细讨论。具体参考退回类型

bounceType bounceSubType Description
Undetermined Undetermined Amazon SES was unable to determine a specific bounce reason.
Permanent General Amazon SES received a general hard bounce. If you receive this type of bounce, you should remove the recipient’s email address from your mailing list.
Permanent NoEmail Amazon SES received a permanent hard bounce because the target email address does not exist. If you receive this type of bounce, you should remove the recipient’s email address from your mailing list.
Permanent Suppressed Amazon SES has suppressed sending to this address because it has a recent history of bouncing as an invalid address. To override the global suppression list, see Using the Amazon SES account-level suppression list .
Permanent OnAccountSuppressionList Amazon SES has suppressed sending to this address because it is on the account-level suppression list . This does not count toward your bounce rate metric.
Transient General Amazon SES received a general bounce. You may be able to successfully send to this recipient in the future.
Transient MailboxFull Amazon SES received a mailbox full bounce. You may be able to successfully send to this recipient in the future.
Transient MessageTooLarge Amazon SES received a message too large bounce. You may be able to successfully send to this recipient if you reduce the size of the message.
Transient ContentRejected Amazon SES received a content rejected bounce. You may be able to successfully send to this recipient if you change the content of the message.
Transient AttachmentRejected Amazon SES received an attachment rejected bounce. You may be able to successfully send to this recipient if you remove or change the attachment.




suppression list 包含所有选择退出 / 取消订阅公司电子邮件或将其电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件的电子邮件地址。 当有人取消订阅时,他们会被添加到邮件suppression list表中,以防止将来向他们发送电子邮件。

